The Urban Park sessions run weekly in Barton Hill and have done for 10 years. The aim of this project is and has been to deliver high quality playwork in one of the most diverse communities in Bristol
Barton Hill is an ever-changing community and LPW have adapted their playwork to meet the needs of the children, young people and families. Urban Park is overlooked by 3 tall high-rise flats, being a central green space loved by the community. According to the indices of multiple deprivation, Urban Park is within the top 5% across UK.
LPW prides itself on being an equal and inclusive organisation and this is true for the playwork we do at Barton Hill. Working alongside a wide professional network allows us to constantly teach and develop our staff to the needs of the area. LPW immerses themselves in the culture of the community and regularly celebrates religious festivals such as ‘Eid.
“The after school sessions at Urban Park are so fun and exciting! We always do lots of different activities and LPW always listen to what we would like to do!” - Child
“This was the first time I was able to take my children to the beach. To see them in the sea with huge smiles on their face is something I will never forget.”- Parent
LPW are funded by the National Lottery to deliver term-time, after school sessions for Children and Young People aged 8-12yrs. During the school holidays, LPW are supported by the Holiday Activity Fund to provide healthy living sessions. As part of this project, our team developed strong relationships with children and their families in the local area and now provide them with a range of new experiences.
In the summer of 2022, LPW took 70 children and families on a beach trip to Porthcawl. For a lot of the families this was one of the first opportunities to spend quality time together, with a lot of the children never having left the city.
“My son and daughter both come to LPW’s Urban Park Sessions every week. They absolutely love the sessions, they feel very safe and always come back with lots of funny stories and things they have made”. - Parent